Nahual tZ'IKIN
Nahual (symbol): Eagle, Quetzal
Energy Locations: Mountains, Lakes, Upland Forests,
Element: Water
Direction: West
Body: Eyes
Color: Lavender
Stone: Amethyst, Lepidolite
Herb/Flower: Indian Pipe, Heather
Scent: Lavender, Lilac
Maya Names: Tz’ikin, Men
Mexica Name: Cuahtli
Clue Word: Elevation
Tz'ikin is the intermediary between creation forces and human beings, between heaven and earth. It is the guardian bird of all the land.
You are the Eagle's vision!. You are a member of the one global family. Awake and remember your path of service. This is the time of the gathering of Eagles.
It brings the opportunity of being able to realise your most cherished dreams and visions, no matter how others see it.
In your vision you have compassion for others, and your decisions are formed in the light of global consciousness.
It reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment as a planetary server you are an awakener, a transformer, an empowered global visionary.
Follow types of work, relationship, places to live, and project that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Eagle represents the evolution of individual consciousness into planetary mind. Eagles vibration is the tone of compassion, is ascension, is the way to lift the collective mind.
Become the one who creates the miracle on earth.
To the Maya, Eagle represents the one who soars in conscious flight above the earth, the one whose vision sees far beyond the mind of humanity.
Eagle is the essence of Dawn: clear, fresh, and newly charged to fulfil your most cherished dreams.
People born on this day are conceived from Kej (Deer) and their destiny is Aq'ab'al. They are merchants and artists. They will have everything needed for a good life, both materially and spiritually. They have money, luck and love. They get placed in good social standing, are sophisticated and eccentric, they are welcome in all social strata, achieving popularity and good friends. They are the power behind the throne, very good quarterbacks, giving the feeling of being able to solve anything. However, they can also be fickle and get bored and change completely from one idea to another, leaving things half done.
People born on this day are friendly, cheerful, good, kind, visionary and communicative. Have great spiritual strength. They have great talent, act wisely and are good communicators, forging their own reality. Sophisticated, worthy, self confident, attractive, great sense of beauty and spiritually elevated.
shadow wisdom:
One shadow is a loss of hope, excitement or joy in your life. These can stem from a reaction to mass consciousness or from the precipitous state of the world.
In your deep desire to effect change, you might feel overwhelmed in a vast ocean of consciousness that seems hopelessly enmeshed in issues of separation and limitation.
These duality constructs are deeply rooted on the planet, but don't be discouraged! The global mind is in the process of a profound transformation.
Some may feel that their personal world is "falling apart" as their lives, expand into the larger dream. Sometimes this feelings manifest as hopelessness, which may can even lead to a desire to leave the earth.
Remember, you are in human form for a divine reason!. Walk with is ease in commitment to your purpose. Allow yourself to explore and play compassionately as a planetary server. You are the emissary of the great change.
Another shadow is to be so obsessed by finding "purpose" that you miss seeing how simple it can be your purpose can be. As simple as expressing love and light, and that's enough!. Take heart. There are great gifts being offered for your participation in healing the global mind.
Spend time in meditation. Believe in yourself!. Evaluate your current environment, work relationships, and decisions and see whether they serve your vision.
Another shadow is when it swerving the planet becomes a messianic obsession, creating a “rescuer complex”. This may also be seen in self-sacrificing behavior, an inability to say no, or an attachment to rescuing others.
If you neglect your personal needs self-sustaining rest, you might feel depleted and lacking. Hold yourself in the same compassion as you hold the world. Strive to keep your personal needs in balance with planetary service. Take care of yourself and your cup will naturally overflow to empower your work with others.
Explore what gives you joy and satisfaction, come out of the background!. You see the world with the vision of the Eagle, came to create things up unsurpassed beauty.