Nahual i'x
Nahual (symbol): Jaguar, Heart
Energy Locations: Jungle, wild lands, ceremonial natural altars.
Element: Air
Direction: North
Body: Muscles and Nerves
Color: Opalescence
Stone: Opal, Crystal Ball, Green Watermelon Tourmaline
Flower/Herb: Star Gazer lily, Basil
Scent: Patchouli
Maya Names: Ix, B'alam
Mexica Name: Ocelot
Clue Word: Receptivity
Ix is the jaguar or leopard, is a female energy. It represents Maya Altars, Mother Earth, and is the protective spirit jungles and mountains.
Jaguar in the Maya wisdom represents the feline feminine essence, the night seer, receptive to unseen forces, strong and intuitive. Companion and guide who protects warriors and the underworld. Spiritualist, incites the instincts. It has integrity, it has the knowledge of the heart, aligned with the divine will, guardian of the earthly magic, nocturnal shaman, easy access to magical powers and the highest level of individual conscious development.
It tells you that you are and have magic going on all around you, it expands your vision to encompass even more magic in your life, it asks you to take up your wand of wisdom in the beneficial use of will. It also tells you to look inside and not outside for your answers, through the heart, guide, direct and align your intentions. Think with your heart. Own your power, let go of the feeling of approval and control.
Heart-knowing, such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in western culture; it is the wisdom that comes from alignment of mind and heart.
ls also the architect, diviner, mystic builder, geomancer, astrologer, mathematician, shaman, and shapeshifter. It is the act of changing of masks or appearances to serve the intentions of the divine. It has the ability to move with silent ease through the dimensions, slipping like graceful jaguar, unnoticed, through the "hole between the worlds". In the existential world, is the shaman, priest and healer.
It can appear to be many different things to many different people.
Powerful symbol associated with all-seeing eye of Horus.
Is a keeper of the flame of initiation into a sacred, ceremonial magic.
Initiation is a rite of passage into a more expanded hologram of experience.
It is the initiator into the mysteries of lineage, the use of symbols and metaphors and the evocation of divine archetypal energies.
It asks you to “hold the light high”. As a magician, you act as a torchbearer. The torch of the heart’s wisdom. Be aware of the many realities in which you already exist.
You are much more than you may be consciously aware of.
Step into self-empowerment, coming from self acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution. When you feel effectively engaged, what gives you joy, your energy expands to include more of who you are, and magic flows synchronistically into your life. Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love.
People born under this sign are conceived from Kame (death) energy and their destiny is Iq (wind). They are powerful, courageous, vigorous and passionate lovers. They always find people that fulfil their desires.
People born on this day have the ability and agility to act, they love popularity and have a lot of strength and energy. They are interested in success and possess good health. They are entrepreneurial, they have will power to face any problem and they are protective of the sacred. They are also reserved and possess great imagination.
shadow wisdom:
Issues of integrity. Integrity comes from an intention to be honest and true to yourself and others. Having integrity means that you can be trusted to do what you say you will do. It also means that your actions are coherent with your feelings. Integrity comes from a deep connection with self. It is characterised by a willingness to speak your truth, to address your shadow issues honestly and to complete issues with yourself and others.
It also reveals issues of control and personal power. This society may have rewarded you for functioning from a place of personal power. Many people in this shadow seem calculating and controlling, using their mind without alliance to their hearts.
Similarly, people who view power as something outside themselves may see magic as the art of controlling people and nature. In this shadow, you may unconsciously bend or distort data for self-assurance or to manipulate others.
Let your heart show you the way, step into who you truly are, a powerful human being, a magician of living. Practice clear intention, prayer, meditation and evocation.