Nahual Ajmak
Nahual: Forgiveness, Wisdom, Owl
Energy Locations: Caves, Creeks
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Body: Aura
Color: Indigo Blue, Gold
Stone: Covellite, double-terminated Quartz
Herb/Flower: Vervain, Calla Lily
Scent: Lily of the Valley
Maya Names: Ajmaq, Cib
Mexica Name: Cozcacuauhtl
Clue Word: Grace
Ajmak is the day of forgiveness and correction introspection, to analyse our actions and consequences. This is a sacred day to reflect our actions, to ask for an apology for mistakes or to celebrate a special ceremony. They also ask the Mother Earth for forgiveness and gave thanks for all the benefits received.
Claim your natural ability to communicate with cosmic consciousness. Perhaps you may be doubting your connection with your inner voice, have confidence, you know when something sounds true to you, claim your right to be guided moment by moment, have confidence in what you feel. Trust your inner voice.
Accept this gift of knowing in grace, as you would receive the morning life by turning your face to the sun. Grace is an unexpected touch, a blessing given in love, a natural gift from the universe. Use the power of love like an electrical current to serve the light. Open fully to feel and receive it. Direct guidance, communication and embodiment are the key concepts contain in your energy
Ajmak handles well the harmony and disharmony, the word, the message, the ancestral lineages and the energy that comes from living bodies, known as aura.
People born on this day have the courage to solve problems, they act wisely and are very good at interacting with people. They ask for wisdom from their ancestors, who have already returned to the truth and are strengthened in the material and spiritual. They are quiet, analytic, prudent, wise, balanced, brave, sweet, loving, and have long life and health.
People born on this day are usually capable to see what is impure, incorrect, unfair, what is not working and to find a solution for it. Great analytical skills.
Shadow wisdom:
A major shadow is a lack of trust in your inner voice. Divine communication directs transformation on a cellular level, outside the realm of cognition. Self-doubt and fear are blocks to such trust, by creating electrochemical charges, they can block access to cosmic communication. Trust in your ability to receive clear inner teaching.
Call this inner knowing of guidance from spirit. The most common sense of confirmation is a strong rush or through subtle movements of the autonomic nervous systems as involuntary movements, vibrations or feelings. Sometimes a feeling of warmth in your heart or solar plexus. You know when something rings true and when it does not. When you're asking for guidance, be neutral, and unbiased. Be like the owl