Nahual Kawoq

  • Nahual: Thunderstorm, Turtle, Rain

  • Energy Locations: Forests, specially Cypress and Pine

  • Element: Water

  • Direction: West

  • Body: Heart, Nerves.

  • Color: Royal Purple

  • Stone: Sugilite, Tanzanite

  • Herb/Flower: Equinacea, Purple Iris

  • Scent: Frankincense, Myrrh

  • Maya Names: Kawoq, Cauac

  • Mexica Name: Quiahuitl

  • Clue Word: Influence


Kawoq is the energy community and midwife. It symbolises the relation of the group, influencing them intensively. It also relates to the strength of unity, the expansive consciousness, development, growth and fertility.

It symbolises rain, lightning and thunder. It also represents collective transformation. Storm washing away the ego, allowing room for a rebirth of consciousness.

It announces a time of profound catalysis and transformation. Getting rid of old patterns, past experiences, judgments, memories and expectations.

Your light body is purifying and activating for rebirth.

Is the lightning path, the arriving of the thunder beings bringing transformation, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, lightning that shatters any false structuring

Kawoq helps you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to reunion. It breaks any false container of self that cannot withstand transmutation.

With this energy, you might at first feel as though your life is not working the way it used to. Old ways of coping may not suffice, and simple perceptions may take on different meanings. You might find yourself saying: "I'm feeling overwhelmed". "I'm not sure about anything anymore". You might feel as though you're having a breakdown within the pattern of your old beliefs.

Well in the new myth, a breakdown means a breakthrough, you have simply come to the “wall”, the edge of what you knew yourself to be.

Allow Kawoq to purify and cleanse you.

It is the electromagnetic storm of transmutation.

The clearing of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies.

As you move into this new vibration, you might feel off-balance. You might sense emotional and physical imbalances and restructuring. Your issues will be catalysed and brought out for you to address them as an inner storm.

Is a natural part of the process of vibrational shift.

Whether you are experiencing this consciously or unconsciously, is adjusting your energy pattern to accommodate the flow of the language of light.

As your transformation progresses, you become aware of the unconscious material you still need to process. No longer can you escape the effects of your belief systems. Fears and negative images can all be felt very quickly. It iss experience as if it were happening from the inside out. Things seem to cook inside you.

So, take care of yourself, with herbs, massage, exercise, psychological support, and so forth. One powerful technique that will help you in this transformation and purification process is to meditate, it may sound simple, but it has profound results. Like gestation and birth, is a process that once begun, has its innate unfoldment.

The process involves a physical shift on every part of your being, all the way down to cellular and genetic levels.

Remember, you have chosen to take part in this rebirth, both on a planetary and a personal level. A catalyst for this catapulting force is the integration of dualities within.

By integrating shadow, you are freed from delusions of right or wrong, good and evil.

Feel the embrace of the thunder beings.


People bearing Kawoq energy are brave, intelligent and noble. They are loyal friends, influencers of people for good or bad. They attract abundance, never go hungry and have a grand capacity for interaction, being comfortable in any situation or place. They live and act for their family and find it hard to be away from them. They often feel part of something beyond the mundane consciousness and their deepest motivations are often a secret, even to themselves.


They act with intelligence and are sure of themselves. They are noble, charismatic, caring and nourishing. They're compassionate, devoted to the well-being of others, respect their families and don't tolerate degeneration or regression.

shadow wisdom:

In the shadow of Kawoq, there are issues of a spiritual separation. An intensity of a desire to go "home", even experiencing a sense of despair and helplessness over the apparent gap between you and the spirit.

As predicted in Hopi prophecy, the path of the mind is now separating even further from the path of the heart. As the gap widens, that part of you that follows the intellectual, rational path is being intensify and pushed into transformation.

At times, you life may seem unbearably intense or difficult, bringing up core issues and hidden corners as you might even desire to escape the reality of this world.

This in turn can create denial and addictive patterns, which only intensify the process. In this shadow we find addictions of all kinds: substances, fear, sexual obsessions, self-doubt, material comfort, video gaming, work and others.

Addictions are like incomplete rites of passage, where compulsive behaviour creates a feeling of being trapped rather than being free. They may offer the appearance of freedom, but only spiritual connection can offer you freedom.

On this journey, you will meet that part of your power that has been kept away from love in the yearning for your spiritual home.

A prominent shadow is the fear of loss, the fear that by jumping into the unknown, you will lose everything: companions, love ones, attachments, possessions.

This transformation is so inclusive that you may be reluctant to take risks for fear of the depth of change. You might even experience despair and desire to give up.

This process is actually there to serve you, to magnify your feelings until you address them, using them as fuel to propel you through the transformational barrier itself.

Let go of the rigid belief systems and judgments that hold denial in place.

Acceptance is the allowance that creates freedom.

You might tend to deny your feelings, thinking that you are above them or have already worked through them. This denial, amplifies and intensifies the feelings until they come into awareness. Know that the intensity of your process is also healing your cellular and genetic memory, as the collective issues of humanity and the planet.

However, that which feels like it has been lost, returns when you forgive yourself.

You are on the frontier of the unknown. You are in the process of rebirth.



