Nahual Ajpu
Nahual (symbol): Sun, Flower, Warrior, Hunter.
Energy Locations: Beach, Sunrise, Sunset
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Body: Chest, Lungs
Color: Gold
Stone: Amber, Golden Topaz
Herb/Flower: Passionflower, Sunflower
Scent: Amber Resin
Maya Names: Ajpu, Ahau
Mexica Name: Xochitl
Clue Word: Unconditional Light
The sun, what a blessing to receive the star-glyph Ajpu, child of the Sun!
This is the day of the great Lord, the father, the Sun. A day symbolising energy and movement. They are spiritual warriors and victorious.
Go joyfully towards all that brings you bliss and ecstasy.
Forgive and love all beings, all creation. Open your heart, enjoy the healing power of unconditional love unconditional love. Bask in its replenishing radiance. You are solar consciousness. You are the one who stands as the light to raise the consciousness of the many. You lift humanity simply through your presence.
Know that you are the "I am" presence; there is no "other"
Know yourself as divine. Know that you are already the mind of light.
Stay identified with the power of the Sun. Honor and trust the language of light held within your feelings, the spiritual compass that guides you home. Open your heart as a flower to the sun, and become the same love that holds universes together.
Be limitless. Accept and understand the nature of judgment, fear, light, and dark within yourself another. Love and accept yourself and others as they are, freed from previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.
Now we find ourselves in a great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps to return to union with the original source where clarity and freedom are expressions of being. Through the gift of rebirth and ascension we are reclaiming our origin state of union with the existence.
If you choose to walk this path, know that in the embodiment light, you will learn to accept all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgments of yourself and others. The activation of solar mind and ascension is already in progress.
It is characterised by direct transmission of light essence, vibrations, frequencies, and light pulses that transform on a cellular level, nourishing your light body. It expresses through feelings, such as ecstasy, transcendence, communion, and unconditional love.
The language of light also speaks through many other spiritual pathways, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and intuition.
For the Maya, the spirit is perceived through solar energy.
People bearing Ajpu energy are good comedians, actors and dancers. They're friendly, brave, delicate, intelligent and sure of themselves. They're also good observers and share a mission to reorient humanity to enlightenment. Their egos are their biggest obstacle in their spiritual path. They have the ability to manage their social circle and are very selective with their friendships.
They are spiritual, good friends and companions, astute and strategic, direct and clear. They possess the spirit of the sun and lead their family well. They have a brilliant intellect, generous, warm heart, radiant, explorers and strong.
Look if you over-identify with your personal divinity. Ajpu encourages you to explore an experience unconditional love without expectation and judgments. Unconditional love can be seen as a acceptance and allowance. Through allowance, you step into a larger view of the human condition, granting permission for the myriad ways in which you and other choose to experience and grow.
Allow all experiences and explorations of all states of being. Grant permission for everything to be all right just as it is!.
Learn to be unconditionally, especially with yourself.
It also reflects a limited view of the concept of god. It is often said that god created man in god's image, the teaching in the shadow of Ajpu is that humanity has re-created god image in his own image to fulfil its identity needs. Feeling unworthy, humanity reacted by creating a god concert that would engender fear and judgment. To fulfil its shadow fears, humanity created a wrathful, vengeful god, and the world faithfully reflected its projections. Separation was further projected into the image of all powerful masculine god. Thus, the solar consciousness was put in a box created from beliefs in separation and limitation.
You're being asked to embody the limitless principles of the light. As you become a model of loving acceptance, shadow and light embrace as one.
You become the new myth emerging. Through the embodiment of unconditional love, one person at a time, the new world is born.