Nahual Tijax

  • Nahual (symbol): Flint, Obsidian Blade, Mirror

  • Energy Locations: Clliffs, Cascades

  • Element: Air

  • Direction: North

  • Body: Teeth, Nails, Tongue.

  • Color: Silver

  • Stone: Diamond, Silver Pyrite, Phantom Crystal

  • Herb/Flower: Sage, Orchid, Bromeliad

  • Scent: Lemon, Spearmint

  • Maya Names: Tijax, Etznab

  • Mexica Name: Tecpatl

  • Clue Word: Reflect


Tijax is symbolised by the double-edged obsidian blade. It is associated with diseases and healing. It's the two sides of the mirror, the positive resides in the negative and viceversa. It carries the power to cut through diseases or illusions to heal and bring clarity. It's a day of purification and balancing of our actions

It offers you the opportunity to see yourself reflected there and see that part of you that you have been avoiding or have not seen clearly.

Contemplate that part that you do not recognise, the illusion of problems.

This is your opportunity to see the truth, to contemplate what is missing to heal.

You are given the gift of insight.

Look in your mirror of life and prune what is unhealthy.

Use the world and other people as mirrors for your discovery process.

Step into the other side of the mirror.

The crack between the world is widening. You live in a time/space framework that is expanding so that separation can be healed and heaven and earth become one.

Judgment and acceptance are opposite sides of the same mirror.

Use the sword of discernment to cut away judgment of self and others.

Take a moment to see yourself as you actually are, shadow and all.

In the hall of mirrors, there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, there is only the reflection of what is.

As you learn to see yourself, you begin to see emotional reactions as signs indicating where to focus your awareness for growth.

Is either the trap in the hall of mirrors or the key that turns the mirrors into windows. Integrate your shadows, the aspects of self that you consider weaknesses, flaws and problems are actually allies. Your greatest teachers!.

Through your desire to be whole, a bright spotlight shines on the very areas that you usually try to hide.

Face the sword of truth and purification.

The wisdom of this sword penetrates, exposes, and ultimately heals your illusions. Discrimination tempered with love cleanly cuts away all that does not serve health.

To the Maya is the Flint that hones your sword.

Use the blade of truth and light to forgive and heal.

Is the knife that cuts you free from that which binds you.


People bearing Tijax energy are protectors of justice, healers of ills, brave hearted, talented and visionary. They're rational, but can also be intuitive. At times they can be drastic, they offend easily and can end a lengthy relationship in a minute. They often achieve power and fame and are well-intentioned. Although conservative, they're open to new ideas, especially relating to mystic themes, which they experience often in their day to day life. They are natural leaders, prudent and good negotiators.


They are optimists in the face of difficulty, collaborators and lovers of life. They can be spiritual guides as they have a natural aptitude for interpreting sacred signs and dreams. Great healers and defenders, facing truths with strength. They help in the liberation of ailments and separation of harmful relationships

shadow wisdom:

The transformation offered in this shadow is found by being mindful.

Meditate and pray. Become quite and still. Deeply look into your own eyes and see who is there. Clearly see, accept, forgive and release yourself and others.

Ask trusted friends to share their perceptions about you. Take the opportunity to journey together through the hall of mirrors. Risk hearing the truth about yourself. Honest feedback from others, addressed all aspects of your being, helping you to fill in your personal blind spots and perceptual holes.

One indication that you might have a perceptual hole is when you fight to hold a strong position thinking that only you're right. One of the most limited illusions is the belief that one's own view of realities is the only one.

This often causes the mirror of the world to reflect back to you, your "unseen" shadow, and when you see this shadow, it can produce a judgment or reaction. When you believe that only you are right, both poles remain charged and fixed.

Experiment with letting go or changing your position. As you lose your hold and step aside the "other position" or person is freed to change as well.

The art of changing position is one of the easiest way to learn acceptance and unconditional love. Profound insights can be gained by taking the "other's" position and see an expanded perception of truth.

Become the one who moves within the reflections, changing positions at will.



