Nahual K'AT
Nahual (symbol): Net, Spider, Seed.
Energy Locations: Sea, Jungles
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Color: Saffron Yellow
Body: Ribs, Kidneys.
Stone: Citrine, Gold Tiger's eye
Herb/Flower: Dandelion, Buttercup
Scent: Saffron, Clover
Maya Names: K'at, Kan
Mexica Name: Ozomatli
Clue Word: Conciousness
K'at represents consciousness and discernment. It's a force that connects people to get things done and a filter that separates the evil/harmful from the healthy. In essence, it selects what needs to go. Abundant.
Plant the seed of some intention or desire. The energy of the web asks you for receptivity. Do not wait for the perfect conditions to create your intentions, now is the time, you are the receptive soul, your healthy desires will naturally attract the support you need. You and your life are the fertile soil and the mystery blooms within you through the power of your intentions and seeded thoughts. An innate intelligence that can break through even the rigidity of fixed expectations.
Be willing to break open the constraining shells of past patterns, the shackles of the belief structures. This involvement frees and awakens the powerful energy of life force shifting your perceptions and experience, participate spontaneously in your growth, unrestricted by the illusion of all structures that once provided safety.
Those bearing K'at energy are sincere leaders and possessors of a strong inner energy. When they learn to harness their emotions, they can accomplish whatever they set out to do. Because of this, it is very important that they find a stable and healthy base, practice detachment and keep their space clean, free of any material accumulation and make sure always have clear relationships with others.
They are good students, very orderly and can be spiritual healers. Once they acknowledge their capacity and possibilities, they tend to become very successful.
Shadow Wisdom:
One of the shadows of these energy is acting as the unawakened seed, the sleeper who wants to remain protected and invulnerable. In this shadow you might think you're serving yourself through the illusion of safety and security. Yet if you maintain distance from the world of possibilities outside your shell, your new horizons are kept at a distance. Take a risk and reveal all that you are!. Beyond the confines of definitions and self-concepts and the security of every day patterns, the excitement of unknown possibility beacons.
Examine how protective limitations affect your natural growth, like: "I cannot do that" or "I'm just fine the way I am". The same wall that was intended to create safety and security once, it also acts a barrier that limits spirit from creating new possibilities in your life. Realise that you are the fertile ground.
A tendency to get locked into a pattern of a particular cycle or season. If so, remember that it is often wise to clear away the deadwood, to remove restrictions and allow room for new growth. You might wait for someone or something else to do it, to be seeded or made whole from outside of self.
Learn about your relatedness, your oneness with all life. As a native American quote says: "For all my relations!, we are all relatives engaged in the larger cycles and patterns of life. All that we do is connected to the whole.