Nahual Aq'ab'al

  • Nahual (symbol): Dawn, Night, Bat, Scarlet Macaw.

  • Energy Locations: Caves, Sunrise, Sunset.

  • Element: Water

  • Direction: West

  • Color: Black

  • Body: Stomach, Intestines.

  • Stone: Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Onyx.

  • Herb/Flower: Mandrake, Black Orchid, Black Rose.

  • Scent: Holly Berry

  • Maya Names: Aq'ab'al, Akbal

  • Mexica Name: Calli.

  • Clue Word: Intuition, Dreams, Integration of Duality.


Aq'ab'al represents forces of duality: light/darkness, dawn/dusk, cold/hot, day/night.

The ceremony of opposites for wholeness.

Enter the darkness of the womb, and there remain seated in absolute stillness. The internal journey of introspection and integration has begun. With the night/dawn you receive gifts for knowing yourself from inside, to the place where your potential resides, where dreams, ideas, potentials and possibilities exist.

The night is a safe sanctuary, a place of peace and serenity. The touch of the night is like the moment you crawl into bed and feel yourself surrounded by warmth, darkness, and peace.

As in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinctions between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer.

Learn to use your dreams to create your personal field of living.

In this expanded field, all things are not only possible, but are constantly in the process of creation with unlimited access to all realities.

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities, you can help to dream a different reality into being. Enter the mystery where reality is actually created.

In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.

Make no mistake: Great change is seeded by conscious dreamers, who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.

Knower of the night, keeper of the unconscious house, offers dreamtime as a lens for processing waking reality.

Aqabal asks you to explore the symbols in your dreams.

There are many systems for working with the dream imaginary from Jung dreamwork to shamanism, to the Tibetan dream yoga and lucid dreaming.

Represents the sanctuary, where the journey into self interfaces with the larger hologram.

Simply ask you to be still, to allow that expression to take shape from the darkness.

To be the route to the wisdom of the unconscious, the mystery of the abyss, where you can tap into the collective dream-field for insight and creative ideas.


Those bearing Aq'ab'al energy are happy, they have one foot in the past and the other in the future. They are strong, creative and astute, they achieve what they set out to do. They are laidback despite the constant changes in their lives. They value their privacy and need their own time and calm space. They have such good luck, that some people believe that they are protected by an invisible force. They are seekers of truth, passionate lovers and possess such an intelligence that, if prepared, they can achieve the seemingly impossible. Profound, creative and renewal mind.


They are strong in the presence of evil forces or people, they have the courage and energy to solve problems. They don't hide anything. They are serious and loyal in relationships and valued by family. They have a realistic view of life and always keep a youthful spirit. Great at holding a sacred space.

Shadow Wisdom:

One indication of the shadow is being lost in self, being too inward and subjective. Some experience this subjectivity as depression. Yet from this place, you can learn to face and free your deepest fears.

Recognise how you judge and evaluate yourself, self-judgement impairs access to your own intrinsic wisdom. Reveal your essence to break through the bonds of all structures, believe systems, blockages, barriers around the heart of the self. You are intrinsically worthy, love yourself.

Remember: Beliefs that are ready to be transformed show you the way through their shadows. It teaches you the greatest truth: What is contained in darkness hold the greatest potential for light.



