Nahual kan

  • Nahual (symbol): Feathered Snake

  • Energy Locations: Volcanoes, Beaches

  • Element: Earth

  • Direction: East

  • Color: Red-Orange

  • Body: Nerve system, Spine, Sexual Organs.

  • Stone: Carnelian, Red Coral

  • Herb/Flower: Cardamom, Cayenne, Gladiola.

  • Scent: Musk

  • Maya Names: Kan, Chicchan

  • Mexica Name: Coatl

  • Clue Word: Instint, Progression.


Kan represents the life force energy, the internal fire that begins at the base of the spine and extends up towards the rest of the body. Kan is symbolised by the serpent, which represents movement and evolution in all forms. It also represents the DNA, the biological link that allows us to evolve. It represents power, electric energy, instinct, intuition, knowledge and wisdom.

It is the vital force that instinctively animates you at every moment. Follow your intuitions and what your body tells you. Let your senses give you the solution to any problem. Listen to what your body says, that temple of wisdom, create a relationship with your body that will free you from the bondage of old patterns. The snake summons you to awaken your vitality, the wisdom of the body and the passion for life. It represents the instinctive combustion that initiates movements in the physical body towards union with spirit.

Align and integrate body, mind and spirit. Representing male and female polarities activating higher states of consciousness when balancing this two, so that they dance within us as one.

Represents the basic structural apparatus of motivation, instinct, desires, and innate movement towards wholeness. It asks you to shed the skin of your past and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation.

Use the innate intelligence of the body. When you suppress and ignore your issues your body receives, and retain the unconscious metaphors of what which is ignored. This may be expressed through physical symptoms, when this happens work toward a more conscious relationship with your body in order to heal yourself on all levels.

Your body itself is a metaphor that mirrors your mind, emotions and spirit. The body also remembers all it has experienced and consequently holds the consciousness of the past within it, including past wounds and traumas. In healing these, remember the innocence of your body. Treat it with love and respect. Open yourself to be aware of its messages and metaphors, rather than storing them. Be willing to look at the positive intent beneath any symptoms or physical process your body is using to communicate. Explore whatever it might be asking you to see.

In these times, we have a profound opportunity to transcend both our physical and our spiritual genetics. The body's integration provide an unparalleled opportunity for personal evolution. Learn to expand and utilise your senses to access your body's wisdom and vitality. Do not "think" about it, simply allow your body to sense intuitively the solutions necessary for change and growth.

The path to the stars is through the senses, within the body or held the keys to fully awaken in our consciousness.


Those bearing Kan energy are strong when facing problems, they practice the Somatic codes that they preach and tend to be sincere, sensual, passionate, resilient, expressive, dynamic, energetic, good athletes, they like to read and have a very good memory.


They are healthy, independent, wise, potent, fertile, attractive, creative and artistic. They are physically and mentally strong and make good psychosomatic advisors.

Shadow Wisdom:

It represents the reptilian brain. If you are in the shadow, you might be living your life on automatic pilot (predictability pattern, and routine)

Can also be seen as adherence to cultural beliefs. One example of this is having the "right" diet, car, house, meditation practice, and so on. Another is wanting others to fix your picture of desirability or fulfil your desires, in order to create a feeling of security and self-worth.

Transform these patterns you are being asked to connect instinct with essence.

Another shadow is being attached to the physical body or being enmeshed in sensual desires. Perhaps you identify so much with your body and how it looks that you think your body is you. This can support the illusion of separation from your essence self. Use this energy to fully experience sexuality in alignment with love, see the body as a sacred tool for transformation.

Hidden in the dark recesses of the shadow are issues of sexual dysfunction or perversion, sexual harassment, rape, sexual abuse, or the fear around it and sexually transmitted diseases. Kan offers transformation and healing. Revealed in these shadows issues of sexuality is a desire for deeper union, love and intimacy.

Intimacy is actually the desire to share the innermost part of ourselves, is not only infatuation or romantic interludes or lovemaking.

Intimacy is the mutual connection between essences. It is the ability to acknowledge the depth of another person, it can be fostered through many kinds of sharing, including that of feelings and vulnerabilities, warmth and affection, hopes and fears. Explore what it means to be intimate with another, remembering that intimacy, it's an open door to higher states of consciousness.

In exploring the use of the body as a sacred tool, issues about the meaning of "love" will often arise. Often we operate from a place of conditional love, which implies the fulfilment of some expectation. Conditional love has many "strings" attached, and it often creates jealousy and manipulation. The transformation offered in this shadow is found in learning to love yourself and others unconditionally.



