Nahual Kame
Nahual (symbol): Death, Transformation
Energy Locations: Temples and Ceremonial Centers.
Element: Air
Direction: North
Color: Forest Green, Yellow.
Color: Forest
Stone: Malachite, Jade, Emerald
Herb/Flower: Valerian, Gardenia
Scent: Gardenia
Maya Names: Kame, Cimi
Mexica Name: Miquiztli
Clue Word: Transform
Kame represents death/transformation. We all are born and one day we will return to our origin. Kame is the prognosticator of transformation, is the communicator with entities from other dimensions, and the protective energy of the ancestors. It is the connection with the forces of the underworld. It represents divine revelation and the influence of transmutation.
Heed the call of surrender, release, forgive and let go or transform. Surrender is the opposite of giving up or giving your power to another, it is freeing yourself from the desire to control and letting go of your ideas of what you think it should be.
Surrender is freeing yourself. Holding on to past schemes and complaints only limits the possibilities. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Let go of what limits you.
Its knowing that whatever you are experiencing no matter how may appear, is serving your spiritual evolution perfectly.
Forgiveness is a cornerstone of death and transformation process.
Forgiveness opens the door to unconditional love.
Perhaps old, hidden patterns no longer work for you, yet the new does not feel completely comfortable. If so, this is actually a sign that transformation is in progress.
This process of death transformation takes you to your depths. If you resist it's teaching, you might find yourself seemingly forced to your knees in humility. Daily on our lives we are all asked to surrender, to let go, to die to old, hidden patterns and outgrown parts of ourselves.
If you're experiencing this energy in a separation, death, divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, or seeming betrayal, release your fears, and surrender to the teachings of these experiences. Consciously make space for the emergence of the new. Accept the truth of your present situation. Through accepting what is, you are free to go forward. Change and growth become easier and more natural.
They are able to foresee events, for better or worse. They can be spiritual guides and fortune tellers. They are delicate and intelligent, possessing spiritual force, cunning and pleasant. Has personal magnetism and an inclination towards leadership. Their lives are subject to frequent change and they typically lead very intense lives. They like to move from place to place and are driven to solve mysteries.
Intelligent, strong in the face of evil people and charismatic, good at being present in the moment, they quickly adapt to changes in their lives to turn them in their favor.
shadow wisdom:
A shadow of Kame can be seen in the desire to be in control. You might be afraid of life or change. Another manifestation of the need to be in control is the fear of death (not understanding the fact that you are in immortal physical body).
The death of all things, even the loved ones, is part of the cycle of transformation. Though it may not appear that you are afraid of death, many issues are closely associated with that fear, for example, an exaggerated focus on health, obsessive accumulation of possessions, avoidance of pain and hedonistic, addictive or self-centered pursuits.
Often symbolic death offers initiation into a new embodiment of your power.
Release the struggle caused by any pessimistic or fatalistic belief.
The lesson of this energy is held in the resistance itself, surrender and release.