Nahual kej

  • Nahual (symbol): Deer, Grasp

  • Energy Locations: Forests, Mountains

  • Element: Water

  • Direction: West

  • Color: Magnetic Blue

  • Body: Arms and Legs

  • Stone: Moonstone, Blue Sapphire, Blue Quartz.

  • Herb/Flower: Dogwood, Blue Aster, Blue Chrysanthemum.

  • Scent: Sandalwood

  • Maya Names: Kiej, Manik

  • Mexica Name: Mazatl

  • Clue Word: Strength, Leadership.


Kej symbolises the 4 cardinal directions and elements. It represents the 4 pillars that hold up the sky and earth, the 4 seasons, 4 solar phases, 4 lunar phases and 4 menstrual phases, 4 parts of the day, 4 planes of manifestation, is the forces that can shape humanity. It is the guardian of nature, the keeper of balance between humans and Mother Earth.

To the Maya it represents the deer, the gentle, serenely, aware guide who walks in fluid beauty and grace. Strongly claim in prayer or meditation that you are willing and ready to receive the tools appropriate to your present development.

Be like water, with fluidity, move through the gateway that opens for you to receive spiritual tools, talents and special gifts. Open yourself fully, without becoming too attached to books, astrological charts, tarot.

The earth/inner connection is more important.

Like the fluidity of moving water, Deer is associated with the processes of dance, mudra and beauty. Remember this essence and this fluidity at times when your life feels more inflexible or lacking in beauty.

It represents the "beauty way," the ability to see intrinsic beauty within yourself, and all things. Living in the beauty way requires being in your full beauty and power.

From this place your self-authority naturally flows. When you're standing in your full beauty and power, your very presence invite others to be all that they are.


Embodying stability and balance, astute and mentally agile, natural leaders, possessing very analytical minds. They rise and fall often, but always get back up and try again. Art is one of their passions, especially music, painting and writing. They are diplomatic and capable of doing whatever is necessary to get what they want. Very persistent mind, disciplined by heart taking them to the solidity of virtue. They have very developed intuitions, recommended to use along with flexibility to avoid tension.


They are intelligent and charismatic and they are quickly to adapt to changes in their lives to turn them in their favor, great personal and health strength, brave, traders, strong voice and personality. Integrity, profoundly spiritual and peaceful.

Shadow wisdom:

In the shadow of Kej are spiritual distractions and resistances to your true beauty and power. Often through intense life situations, spirit creates inusual access to hidden potentials, it can also break the spell of distractions and reactive behaviours.

The difficulty in completing things. Completion is especially difficult if you feel inadequate or displeased with the possible outcome of your efforts. If you take on too much, you might become too pressure and scattered to finish. Completion becomes easier if you allow yourself to be excited and satisfied by the steps along the way.

Not having the desire and discipline needed to master a tool, such as meditation, or some aspect of a creative art.

Believing that the tool has the power. Tools are simple vehicles for your connection with the divine. You are the tool through which spirit speaks!. If you grasp a tool too tightly, your vision may become limited and your tool less effective.

The transformation offered in the shadow of Kej is in being fluid and innovative.

Open and close your hand to grasp your tools in a new way, finish what you start taking satisfaction in each step along the way. Understand the positive nature of discipline in refining your skills. Be like water, gently flowing and dancing, rather than grasping struggling and clinging.



