Nahual Iq

  • Nahual (symbol): Wind, Air

  • Energy Locations: High Mountains, Valleys, Canyons.

  • Element: Air

  • Direction: North

  • Body: Respiratory System, Throat.

  • Color: Translucent White Light

  • Stone: Quartz, Clear Topaz

  • Herb/Flower: Eucalyptus, Lily

  • Scent: Copal

  • Maya Names: Iq, Ik

  • Mexica Name: Ehecatl

  • Clue Word: Breath.


Iq is the spirit of wind or the bringer of life. It represents change and new ideas. It symbolises the hummingbird, intellect and expression. It could be the carrier of a message or a destructive force that breaks down barriers.

You must open your spirit to be guided and inspired. Wake up to what is not visible. Within the apparently complex you must loosen up, simplifying. Consider whether your choices come from spirit or from the limitations of your unconscious beliefs. Be spontaneous like the wind. Move with the currents of change that are offered to you. Embrace the unseen forces that move to guide, inspire and help us. It translates the frequencies, the vibrations, purifies the forms, communicates the spirit. Communication with yourself and with others.

Spirit, breath, inspiration, vital principle, expression, power of voice.

Received the gift by simply taken, conscious breath, allow your life to be more like the wind, free flowing and open to a spirit.

It also embodies the concept of presence. Presence is an expression of beingness.

Presence is being open aware and in the now. When you're fully present, your mind is not preparing responses to what it is hearing while you are listening and feeling. Presence is your natural state of being. When you are present, your heart feels open, charged and full, you are loose and relax.


Those bearing Iq energy are very spiritual, have mental agility and intelligence and they are some of our best mathematicians and spiritual leaders. They are gifted with words and are very convincing. Their ideas combined with their strong communication skills could make them great speakers and writers.


Persons born under Iq can adapt to any situation and are brave enough to confront any crisis. They are dreamers, innovators, unpredictable, free spirits, influential, they love movements, changes, they are inspiring and vibrating, have divine and futuristic visions. They also have strong and healthy bodies.

Shadow Wisdom:

In the shadow of Iq you might tend to leave everything up to spirit.

Yet you are the spirit!, so it is up to you!

Act on inspiration as it comes to you without analysing it and remember: The breath of a spirit can be a subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense and experience it. Another indication of this shadow is feeling constrained by the forms and idioms of organised groups or religions, be aware that many forms of meditations, ceremony, prayer, and other practices that could serve spiritual evolution.

Appreciate the truth in all its forms!



