Nahual tz'i'

  • Nahual (symbol): Dog, Coyote

  • Energy Locations: Nature & People

  • Element: Air

  • Direction: North

  • Body: Brain

  • Color: Teal

  • Stone: Chrysocolla, Azurite

  • Herb/Flower: Raspberry, Narcissus, Agapanthus

  • Scent: Rosemary

  • Maya Names: Tz'i, Oc

  • Mexica Name: Itzcuintli

  • Clue Word: Justice, Guidance, Loyalty


True companion, whose loyalty and devotion arrives from the clear, intent health and its in a spiritual bond.Tz'i is the guardian of the spiritual and material law, they are governors of the community and spiritual authorities. It is a sign of terrestrial and celestial authority and the day that brings the light of truth. It also the bringer of justice and order.

The dog is calling in and recognition of other companions of destiny. Be aware of the affinity you feel as it guides you to recognise who your partners are. If you have already recognise your companions of destiny, you're being asked, not only to support and acknowledge each other, but also to lovingly bring out each other shadows to be integrated and healed.

The dog is an access point for developing relationships with guides, totems, allies and guardians. View them as aspects of yourself, part of your live stream that is asking you to be integrated. Remember, there is no other. Profound insight are garnered through shared purpose and relationship with others who are willing to be in their truth and integrity about the light and shadow aspects they perceive in that in themselves.

Similarly, intimate relationships can be viewed as unique opportunities to bring forward in each other deep emotional patterns to be transformed. In this case, those you have drawn to you hold the ability to assist you in your own integration as well.

The expression of intimacy is a gift of love, the lack of it might be a symptom asking for honest communication and healing.


People bearing Tz'i energy make good priests and spiritual guides. They're very balanced people – kind, just, strong, delicate and agile. They tend to have everything under control. They make excellent lovers as they are strong and romantic, with a good ability to communicate. They are idealists who work for the community. They are responsible and good administrators. They also have an adventurous spirit.


They are noble, practitioners of social justice, fair, fearless, accurate, balanced, peaceful and spiritual.

shadow wisdom:

You might be caught up in emotional drama of life, like anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, addicted to the excitement and intrigued by it. Learn to apply the same intensity to the magic of your life, and your conscious intent towards spiritual growth, create an internal "silent witness". Bring your process into a place of choice instead of just allowing it to happen to you. From this position of choice you might befriend the emotional part of yourself and open to a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns of your emotions. Emotions are not to be judged; they're simply tools of discovery that give you information about yourself.

Another shadow is possessiveness, jealousy and the misunderstanding of loyalties and ties. It is natural to walk your path with other companions of destiny; however, holding onto them hampers your full expression and purpose. Perhaps you're jealous about or attracted to the qualities in another that you would like to have revealed in yourself. If your intent is wholeness within yourself, you naturally draw to you companions and relationships of wholeness. Be willing to look honestly at your present relationships. Explore the foundations upon which they are built.

The transformation in the shadow in the emotional patterns and projections related to issues of insecurity and trust. Open a deeper understanding of the human emotional nature. To foster understanding, experiment by authentically taking the others position and feeling the “other's” perspective. By affinity we all draw to us who are working on the same issues.

There are numerous ways of overcoming this blocks, there is neurolinguistic programming to access the pattern to heal or release it, there is shamanic journey to retrieve and reclaim the parts of yourself that may have become symbolically separated, claiming the self recast your past and release it into the new, also for further assistance with your emotional process you can experience a process-oriented or transpersonal psychology, gestalt, rebirthing, and hypnosis



