Nahual TOJ

  • Nahual (symbol): Offering, Moon, Shark Tooth, Water.

  • Energy Locations: Beach and Large Rocks.

  • Element: Earth

  • Direction: East

  • Body: Ears

  • Color: Sunset Peach

  • Stone: Apricot Pearl, Quartz Obelisk

  • Herb/Flower: Tarragon, Apricot Rose, Peach Gladiola

  • Scent: Peach, Lotus, Apricot

  • Maya Names: Toj, Muluc

  • Mexica Name: Atl

  • Clue Word: Even flow


Toj means offering, payment or debt. Toj is the fire of the father spirit Ajaw (Sun). Is the sign of payment, the energy which comes back from all the good or bad that we have done. It's also the energy that we must pay for the benefits we attain, and the law of action and reaction, what India calls Karma.

To the fire we can make petitions, offerings for all we have been given, liberation from evil energies or debts of any kind.

Look around you, pay attention to what strongly attracts you and repels you. Behold the rituals in your life and the consequences of it. Remembering gives you access to presence, recognising the connection to between cause and effect of rituals. Pay attention to symbols, dreams, signs and sensations, it can give you an answer to any current question.

Bring your full awareness and attention to the here and now. Offering is awaken awareness, is your recognition of the larger pattern and your connection to it.

Receive its divine guidance.


People bearing Toj energy bring vitality and spiritual light to their surroundings. They are strong and respectful, hardworking and sometimes impulsive. Here to serve humanity and the one that pays off debts, faults or mistakes in the family lineage to bring back balance and liberation. Their temperament drives them forward, they need companions for all their enterprises. Is the fluidity principle of giving and receiving and to put it into service to the collective.


They are virtuous, generous, altruistic, capable, skilful. They know how to resolve situations instinctively and acquire their energy from the grandfather Fire. They understand that being gifted is not about receiving something but giving it away.

shadow wisdom:

Is to unthinkingly, accept beliefs, and values of your culture. Toj assists you in clearly understanding your perceptions. Also self-deprecation, hiding your light so that it limits you from being seen as the beacon you truly are. It can steam from shy or wounded inner child. Advise you to heal the inner critic. Take the blinders off. Make a conscious effort to refrain self-talk that is self-diminishing. Allow relationships with others to support your fullest expression.



