wisdom evolution spirituality

My purpose is to share with you

The Maya Sacred Count of the Days Calendar

as Life's Best Compass

as well as empower Mooncycle Awareness integration for women well-being

To live in balance and harmony


YOUR well-being

Through the Sacred Count of the days Calendar: Cholq’ij / Tzolkin

A tool for personal development, spiritual wellbeing and re-connection with nature, intuition and the cosmos

We will uncover your life purpose, the origin of your conception, allied energies, destiny and legacy.

It is your evolutionary footprint in the call for galactic expansion

Begin your journey with life’s best orientation compass


female well-being path

Period pain is not normal. Period.

While menstruation is a natural, healthy and nourishing part of life for many women, in many societies, the experience of bleeding continue to be constrained by cultural taboos and discriminatory social norms.

The resulting lack of information about bleeding, hormonal cycles as well as products leads to unhygienic and unhealthy practices that creates misconceptions and negative attitudes towards it.

It can even cause some women to avoid certain activities and miss out on important experiences essential for healing, self knowledge and growth.

Are you ready to Resignify the innermost cycle of yourself?

